Access and Parking
The access and parking proposals are subject to a detailed transport assessment that will be submitted as part of the planning application and will be subject to comments from the Planners, however, the following outlines the current proposals.
The proposed access and parking arrangements will include:
- Proposed vehicular access in the same location as the existing site access.
- Proposed vehicle access leading to two pupil drop-off areas and car parking areas within the site
- 61 parking spaces will be provided for staff and visitors including 5 spaces for blue badge holders.
- 15 minibus drop off and pick up spaces
- 12 long stay cycle space and 2 short stay cycle spaces are proposed
Proposed Access and Parking
Key Considerations
- It is recognised that on street parking in surrounding roads is limited, therefore the proposals seek to accommodate as much staff and visitor parking as possible within the site to avoid overspill to surrounding roads.
- The majority of pupils attending the school will travel in shared minibuses, the proposals include sufficient space to allow minibuses to enter the site to drop-off pupils. There is also sufficient space to allow minibuses to wait in the site in the afternoon whilst waiting to pick pupils up. This will limit the need for vehicles to wait on Hargood Road.
- It is proposed that minibuses drop students off in the designated drop off areas to not impeded staff and visitors from accessing parking spaces. Upon dropping off the students, minibuses are to drive further into the site until reaching a designated turning area.